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Music Genre Prediction on Big Data

7 minute read | Updated: 2023-01-21

Big Data, Spotify and LastFM APIs, Spark, Machine Learning

Explored the application of machine learning techniques for predicting music genre using the Million Songs Dataset. After a statistical analysis, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Linear Regression, and Random Forest algorithms are applied.
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Lyrics Based Song Genre Classification

6 minute read | Updated: 2022-11-14

Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The project aims to classify songs into different genres based on their lyrics, exploring the accuracy and reliability of NLP tools for genre prediction, using machine learning classifiers and three different ways of embedding text.
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Image Processing Server at KI

5 minute read | Updated: 2022-09-01

Image Processing, Server, Queries, Database managment

Implemented an Image Processing Management server at Karolinska Institutet (known for awarding the Nobel Prize in Medicine) to automate all Image Processing steps as a streamlined pipeline.

Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms For Link Prediction

4 minute read | Updated: 2022-05-18

Data Mining, Link Prediction, DeepWalk, Machine Learning

Worked on a method to predict links between pairs of nodes in networks using machine learning algorithms and cosine similarity on node embeddings calculated by DeepWalk. Grid search is used to optimize the parameters of the models and compare their results.


Computer-aided Decision (CAD) System

8 minute read | Updated: 2021-06-22

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Visualization, Feature Engineering

Implemented a CAD system for General Electric at QuirĂ³n hospital (Madrid, Spain) as part of my Bachelor's thesis. This system uses a ML- and Deep Learning-based algorithm to detect possible cancerous areas in prostate MR images, classify them as either a "clinically significant" or "clinically insignificant" finding. When identified as significant, it will also suggest a PI-RADS score. Finally, the CAD system generates a report with key statistics from the finding and image, to assist the physician in finding abnormal parameters.

MR Imaging and Instrumentation

external source (Harvard Med)

Electronics, Instrumentation, Software development

Contributed to a tabletop MRI replication project, led by LAIMBIO (Madrid, Spain) in collaboration with the Martinos Center (MGH, Harvard Medical School) in Boston, MA, USA. Edited and expanded circuit and software designs to aid in the creation of a replica tabletop MRI scanner.

Deep Learning-based classifier in LUS

8 minute read | Updated: 2021-05-30

Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Image preprocessing

Developed two Deep Learning-based Image Recognition systems, incorporating Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture and leveraging Transfer Learning. The goal was to recognize lung pathologies, namely, pneumonia and COVID-19, in Lung Ultrasound (US) images and videos.
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Signal Processing and Anthropology study

9 minute read | Updated: 2020-06-11

Electronics, Instrumentation, Anthropology, MATLAB

The project is divided into (1) an EMG and (2) Physiological Signal Processing report; and (3) an Anthropology study, with a strong MATLAB-based coding component.
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1 minute watch | Updated: 2019-07-16

Electronics, Instrumentation

Built an OpAmp-based circuit for EMG activity detection and noise cancellation. The circuit was designed for EMG signal processing in an EMG study. EMG Signal Processing and Analysis was later performed.



Github repo | Updated: 2021-05-21

Server, API, html

Designed a simple server that accepts requests from a client and performs the appropiate query to retrieve the informataion from the FDA/Genius API.