Lung Ultrasound for COVID detection
Pablo Laso-Mielgo
, A. Ramos-Uparela
Dr. Rafael Garcia Carretero, MD, PhD
, Dr.
Angel Bueno, MD, PhD
Biomedical Engineering degree, Alcorc
on Campus, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Escuela T
ecnica Superior de Ingenier
ıa en Telecomunicaci
on, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Area hospitalaria, Hospital Universitario Fundaci
on Alcorc
From the Machine Learning community, US (ultrasound)
has not gained as much attention as X-Ray or CT in the
context of COVID-19. But many voices from the medical
community have advocated for a more prominent role of
US in the current pandemic [1]. Moreover, US is a non-
ionizing technique, which is increasingly gaining impor-
tance as a Point-of-Care technique.
Since two students work on this project, at most points in-
dependently, we developed different tools for COVID-19
classification in both US videos and images. Videos may
seem more difficult to deal with than images. However,
the carry more information that can be used for more ef-
ficient classification tools. Additionally, the doctor may
provide an image for COVID-19 detection. In this case,
two different tools have been developed. One is based
on pleural line detection, whereas the other takes strong,
pretrained convolutional neural networks, such as Incep-
tionV3 or VGG16. Our model is validated on an external
dataset (POCUS).
1 Introduction
This is collaborative project between URJC (Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos) and HUFA (Hospital Universitario Fun-
on Alcorc
on). It has been mainly carried out by URJC
students Pablo and Alejandro, with the help of Dr. Rafael
and Dr.
Pablo firstly focused on video preprocessing (HUFA, But-
terfly and POCUS dataset) and later joined Alejandro on
image classification, which was carried out with several
different approaches. Video processing results yield a high
accuracy and generalizing ability to new data. On the
other hand, image classification required more time, since
it was based on video frames, so most are very similar and,
even if the accuracy was very high, the generalization to
new datasets was slightly lower. However, a large pub-
lic dataset (POCUS), Transfer Learning, and a thoughtful
preprocessing effort allowed us to overcome this challenge
and achieve better results.
Transfer Learning performed well on other respiratory
pathologies such as pneumonia. For COVID-19 images,
however, it did not yield as fine results as video classifica-
tion, so we also created our own CNN. It is worth mention-
ing the development of a code able to detect pleural lines.
The goal of this project is processing lung images acquired
via US (ultrasound). These images are anatomically poor
and, therefore, sometimes difficult to interpret. We can
also distinguish between different grades of severity, which
are scored in a range of 1-3. although no labels were given
for this task.
This project has been motivated by the need of an algo-
rithm that aids physicians to more accurately diagnose dis-
eases, especially COVID-19 [2]. Another major source of
motivation is the so-called point-of-care US, that is, pro-
vide treatment at the time and place of patient care. There
are already portable US equipment. Furthermore, using
US as a standard imaging technique (and even rather the
so typical stethoscope [3]) would be desirable. Not only
would it be faster than other imaging techniques like MRI,
but also prevent the patient from receiving high doses of
ionizing energy that other techniques, such us CT or PET,
Hence, having an algorithm that helps the medical staff
to quickly analyze and score the pathology automatically
would be ideal. It would also promote both point-of-care
US as a standard diagnosis tool, as well as foster a ben-
eficial transition from ionizing imaging techniques to US,
without loss of accuracy or healthcare quality.
2 Problem Statement
This project was initially proposed by Dr.
Angel Bueno
(HUFA) as an application. It should quickly identity and
score the severity of COVID-19 in different regions of the
lungs. The images are acquired by US and are anatomi-
cally poor, so preprocessing is probably mandatory.
Lung US (LUS) is used to this aim, which is deemed to
be the most effective non-ionizing image modality for this,
and also present an alternative [4], or even overcome, CT
sensitivity for similar pathologies like pneumonia [5] [6]
[7], but also for COVID-19 [8] [9] [10] [11]. As we can
observe in Figure 1, COVID-19 patients present respira-
tory problems, so LUS can be intelligently used to identify
Figure 1. Lung US Symptoms
Furthermore, as we can observe in Figure 2, the main char-
acteristics that COVID-19 patients present in LUS images
or videos are B-lines and an irregular pleural line, followed
by consolidations. A-lines, on the other hand, are idiosyn-
cratic of healthy patients.
All in all, detecting B-lines, and even an irregular pleural
line, in a patient is a very solid evidence of COVID-19.
Thus, using LUS to address the problem stated in this sec-
tion is a very promising technique.
Figure 2. Lung US Pathologies
3 Methods
In this Section we describe the procedures followed along
our project. These include also attempts that proved to be
fruitful, yet not as promising as the last results, described
in the next Section of this paper. Overall, we performed
several prepossessing steps before applying Deep Learn-
ing techniques, which have been considered to be the most
effective for this kind of tasks on previous (mostly CT)
studies [12] [13] [14].
3.1 Data Acquisition
For the development of this project, specially for the part of
training a CNN, the need of a large and labeled database is
required. The HUFA kindly helped us in this task, provid-
ing us with several images and lung US videos. We were
also instructed into the different scores that these disease
could manifest [15]. Since the need of medical images and
a larger dataset was of paramount importance for the de-
velopment of the project, we resorted to online accessible
databases on this pathology .
Later on, these videos would be divided into frames. Thus,
we could deal with images and apply a CNN (based on
convolution operations performed upon input images) to
our data.
3.2 Data Augmentation
Increasing the database using Data Augmentation was im-
plemented. This can be useful for increasing the number
of samples, or for preventing overfitting, by applying ran-
dom variations to the data. ImageDataGenerator [16]
allowed us to readily create new data in batches, which
also diminished computational burden. Thus, albeit low-
ering accuracy, we managed to reduce overfitting by creat-
ing new data from the original images, mainly by rotation,
shifting and zooming.
3.3 POCUS database
As aforementioned, the lack of images to form a quantita-
tively representative dataset was a major pitfall. To over-
come this difficulty that hindered the appropriate train-
ing of a CNN, we used the COVID-19 image dataset
”POCUS” [1], readily accessible on the Internet.
POCUS database includes both images and videos la-
belled as regular (healthy), COVID-19, or pneumonia. The
dataset (Figure 3) was composed of convex and linear US
probes, as well as images and video files. Images of each
class are respectively shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3. POCUS dataset size
Figure 4. POCUS image data types
3.4 Image preprocessing
The main objective of preprocessing our data set was to get
much easier for the CNN to better distinguish the proper
characteristics of the different pathologies, thus leading
with a better performance in terms of classification. The
Figure 5. Original image
Figure 6. Original histogram
process of image preprocessing followed the following
1. Image histogram equalization
A good approach for low contrast images, character-
ized by a very narrow histogram distribution of gray
levels, is to perform a histogram equalization. This
technique allows to change the histogram grey values
into a more variable distribution, thus giving a higher
contrast image.
This process takes into account the frequency of each
grey value and transform it into a probability distri-
bution.The probability of having a certain level of
gray,denoted as p
(i), is the ratio of the number of
pixels with the value of gray i with respect to the total
pixels of the image.Continued by the calculation of
the cumulative distribution function (CDF), defined
C(i) =
(j) (1)
Where 0 ¡= i ¡= L 1, and L is the total number of
possible gray levels in the image.
Finally, to get the new assigned value of each grey
value h(u):
h(u) = round
C(u) C
1 C
Figure above show the histogram and re-arrangement
of the resulting transformation (Figures 6 and 7) and
the original image (Figures 8 and 5).
This technique facilitate much more the posterior
2. Pleural Line estimation
The removal of skin, soft tissue and other elements
not involving the lungs(background), is important to
facilitate to the CNN a proper pathology(foreground)
identification in thorax ultrasound images.
Figure 7. Equalized image
Figure 8. Equalized histogram
To remove skin and soft tissue, it is necessary to first
identify the pleural line, and for that purpose was fol-
lowing a series of steps:
Perform a global binarization for each image
with the help of the skimage library follow-
ing a certain threshold. This threshold T
determined by minimizing intra-class intensity
variance, or equivalently, by maximizing inter-
class variance, determined by the ratio:
Q(s) =
Each image (I
) was binarized with this thresh-
old, converting each pixel into an on-pixel or an
0 if I
< T
1 if I
Where I
is the brightness of the pixel.
The resulting matrix B
represents the bina-
rized image on which all future transformations
are performed.
Afterwards, analysis units are set within the bi-
narized image. These are rectangular regions
with a height equal to the original image and
width of one pixel.
.... (5)
The total number of on-pixels were calculated
in each analysis unit B
, and use it just for
knowing where the middle pointM
in which the
number of on-pixels are equally distributed is,
and storing it in a variable X (Figure 8)
X =
, ......,
Figure 9. Thresholding and X points in blue
Figure 10. Regression line of X points
With these data, we obtained a polygonal profile
of the pleural membrane. Because the pleural
membrane is usually linear, we made an adjust-
ment of these points to fit a line by minimiza-
tion of the squared errors. The points of the fit-
ted line are stored in the variable X’, where the
trace X’is the first approximation of the pleural
line (Figure 9)
X =
, ......,
3. Resection
After computing the approximation of the pleural
line, we proceed to extract the background informa-
tion of the original image, getting a resulting im-
age(Figure 13) without the undesired background and
perhaps make the feature extraction of the CNN eas-
3.5 Video preprocessing
Apart from preprocessing video frames as independent im-
ages, we decided to analyze a video as a whole. This would
greatly increase the generalization ability of our classifier,
Figure 11. Final output before resection
Figure 12. M-mode US example
Figure 13. M-mode images VGG preprocessing
which was the main challenge we had to cope with.
For such purpose, we created a single image per each inde-
pendent video in the dataset, by means of converting each
US video into an M-mode (Motion mode) US image. As
we can see in Figure 12 at the right, a sampling line is
taken in the coordinates specified when running the code.
Note that we can assess a specific anatomical area by po-
sitioning the coordinates in the area of interest. With a
sampling line width of 5 pixels, we would take such line
from every frame of each video in the dataset. Then, ev-
ery line would be successively pasted as the column of a
new numpy array, giving rise to a new image, as can be ob-
served at the left of Figure 12. Note that long videos will
result in wider images, since there exists more frames and,
therefore, more columns that the new image will have.
After that, the resulting images would undergo standard
preprocessing, including normalization, re-sizing and his-
togram equalization. Thereafter, VGG preprocessing was
used upon them, subsequently obtaining images as shown
in Figure 13, which represents one of he batches used for
the CNN training.
4 Experiments and Results
This Section includes the results on images (after pleural
preprocessing and Transfer Learning) as well as videos.
4.1 Image Classification
As an starting point, without any kind of processing, we
just apply some normalization to the images and input it
to an standard net, in order to know how the convolutions
layers were going to perform.
Several CNN algorithms were designed in an attempt to
correctly classify the images. Despite very bad results in
the first CNN designs, we eventually came up with a sim-
ple design that reached an accuracy of 1.00 in the training
set as well as in the validation set, after 10 epochs. The
validation set was composed by 57 images (frames) out
of 358 altogether, all of them correctly classified into its
corresponding score. This result, albeit seemly promising,
was however not definitive. Since the images came from
three videos (each of them with a different possible score
(label)), the images were probably very similar. Further-
more, there existed the possibility that the CNN based its
decisions on characteristics of that specific video, such as
lightning or intensity, rather than the pathological signs.
In order to be able to contrast these first results we could
not but highlight the need for a larger dataset of images,
ideally granted by the HUFA; alternatively, obtained from
public, online databases on the internet [1]. This dataset,
summed up with a the video frames from the correspond-
ing POCUS videos, conform the new dataset used for pre-
dictive purposes, with a whole new variability and quantity
of acquisitions. The validation set was composed by 653
images out of 3262 images, all of them correctly labelled.
Several architectures were tested, until we designed a sim-
ple net (Figure 14) that could give us a clue of how well the
data was organized, leading with the clue of possible noisy
information in a part of them, the algorithm was being able
to highly classify the images, but not to well generalize into
a whole new set of unknown images. The results, shown
in Figure 15, are very optimistic. We must, however, keep
in mind that these results are a consequence of overfitting,
so more complex models and further processing is needed.
Figure 14. First CNN
4.1.1 Transfer Learning
Instead of starting from scratch, Transfer Learning enables
us to use already trained models, albeit they were trained
for a different problem. However, we might expect it to be-
have similarly based on the problem they were originally
trained to solve. Transfer learning has the benefit of de-
creasing the training time for a neural network model and
can result in lower generalization error.
Figure 15. Model accuracy
Also, we should bear in mind that (probably) the more
similar the original problem (for which the CNN was ini-
tially designed) and our challenge are, the more layers
(deeper) we will be able to maintain. This is inferred from
the fact that the first layers will deal with low-level fea-
tures, whereas those in the middle shall be much more ab-
stract and complex, fitting to the specific task, problem and
dataset they were marginally designed for. Changing just
some of these last layers might enough to train an efficient
Several models from previous studies [17] [18] were
tested, among which vgg base’, vgg cam’, ’mo-
bilenet v2’, ’nasnet’, dense’ and resnet50’. All of them
had a great tendency to classify images as COVID-19, es-
pecially resnet50. The best results were acquired with the
following models:
The VGG16 model was developed by the Visual
Graphics Group (VGG) at Oxford and was described
in the 2014 paper titled “Very Deep Convolutional
Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition”. Its
structure is described in Figure 16. By default, the
model expects color input images to be re-scaled
to the size of 224×224 squares. It can be loaded
from keras.applications.vgg16 with
import VGG16 [16]. From here on, several
parameters may be re-trained. Thus, we were able
to get an accuracy of 0.69 in the validation set.
However, we noted, by plotting the confusion matrix,
that some errors were regular cases incorrectly
classified as COVID-19. However, both COVID-19
and pneumonia cases were correctly classified.
InceptionV3 is a convolutional neural network for as-
sisting in image analysis and object detection, and got
its start as a module for Googlenet. Its architecture is
shown as a simplified image in Figure 17. It is there-
fore more likely to yield relevant answers to our spe-
cific problem. Furthermore its has already been im-
plemented in a myriad of cases, some of them yield-
ing expert-level diagnostic accuracy and been proven
more efficient than other previous techniques in de-
Figure 16. VGG16 structure
tecting B-lines, merged B-lines, lack of lung sliding,
consolidation and pleural effusion [19]. In this case,
the accuracy for the three is slightly lower (0.58), so
we can assert that VGG performs better. Furthermore,
just like the former VGG model, choosing more than
two epochs affect negatively the performance of the
Figure 17. InceptionV3 structure
For both cases we constructed a head of a new model that
would be placed on top of the base model. Thus, we train
the last layers such that it could adapt to our specific case,
while also using a pretrained and effective model, which
led to a smaller computational burden, overall.
Both models flagrantly showed an unwanted tendency
from the ”regular” to the ”COVID” class, as shown in Fig-
ures 18 and 19. However, these results, albeit unwanted,
are not so bad among all the possible incorrect answers we
could have encountered. This is because we would rather
have a normal patient diagnosed as COVID-19 than the op-
posite, that is, it has a higher cost. Armed with this reason-
ing, we should look at the Recall (TP/(TP+FN)) measured
for ”COVID” and ”pneumonia” in Tables 1 and 2 is, since
the cost of a False Negative is higher (we want to avoid at
all costs having infected people (Actual Positives) in con-
tact with others). Contrarily, we should look closer at the
Precision (TP/(TP+FP) measured for ”normal”, since the
cost of a False Positive can be, just like before, undesirable
for society. We can also use the F1-score (which takes into
account both precision and recall) for the ”normal” class.
Hence, we can readily observe that VGG performs some-
what better than Inception in this first attempt. However,
the results are very humble. Since adding epochs do not
contribute to a better performance, we conclude from these
results that further preprocessing of our images is needed,
as well as trying other layers to re-train, or choosing an-
other head to add at the end of the architecture to better
adapt to our task.
Figure 18. VGG16 Confusion Matrix
VGG16 metrics
class Precision Recall F1
COVID-19 0.65 0.77 0.70
Pneumonia 0.83 0.91 0.87
Regular 0.74 0.49 0.59
Table 1. VGG16 metrics
Figure 19. InceptionV3 Confusion Matrix
InceptionV3 metrics
class Precision Recall F1
COVID-19 0.51 0.73 0.60
Pneumonia 0.71 0.53 0.61
Regular 0.61 0.42 0.50
Table 2. InceptionV3 metrics
4.1.2 Complex CNN
After performing a much more complex pre-processing
stage (described in previous sections) than initially, we de-
cided to use the same CNN architecture(See Figure 15)
to compare results. This time , however, we had much
more images and a strong pre-processing that showed sig-
nificantly more promising results, since the generalization
adaptability was now stronger as we get rid of noisy infor-
mation. Nevertheless,the image dataset has been reduced
by the little computational capacity with which we had,
seeing the set reduced by 50 images per category. Anyway,
to try to appease this reduction, we apply a Data augmenta-
tion method in order to have a more robust set (Procedure
showed in Figure 20)
Figure 20. Data augmentation
Figure 21. Loss/Accuracy Final CNN
As shown in Figure 21 , the capability of the model gener-
alization of new incoming data has been improved.
4.2 Video Classification
Finally, after video preprocessing had been carried out, im-
ages had multiple sizes. Therefore, they were resized to the
mean height and width, that is, (723, 512). We decided to
use the mean rather than the maximum, as usually is done,
because images were of all kind of sizes. This is because
their size depends on the video duration. We consider it
simpler to just use the mean, so that the least interpolation
possible was performed overall.
A very simple CNN was able to classify these images (one
per video) with an accuracy greater than 0.9. As schemat-
ically shown in Figure 22, the CNN consisted on two ini-
tial kernel layers. The first layer consisting of 32 filters,
whereas the second one, 64 feature maps. All kernels had
a size of 3x3, a stride of 2, and were activated or not ac-
cording to a RELU activation function. These kernel layers
were followed by 2x2 maxpooling layers, so the output of
each was twice smaller. Thereafter, a dense layer was de-
signed along with a softmax which was used at the end
of it, so that we could convert the final output value into
probabilities, for labelling.
We used 75% for the training set, 15% for validation, and
the rest (15%) for testing. 72 independent videos and from
different sources were used as dataset in the last attempt.
With random sampling and a batch size of 10, the folder
for the two classes (COVID-19 and healthy) were created.
By random sampling, we also doubled the initial size per
set. We chose categorical crossentropy for loss evaluation,
and accuracy as the metric to evaluate performance. Addi-
tionally, a learning rate of 0.0001 proved to be the best op-
tion, since it was not too small to get stuck in a local min-
imum, but small enough to converge towards a very good
result. Since the learning rate was small and the videos in
the dataset were of all kinds and different and utterly inde-
pendent sources, the CNN would take 8 epochs to finally
reach a 90% of validation accuracy. Henceforward, the
training accuracy improved constantly, but not so the vali-
dation accuracy, which started fluctuating. Thus, we deem
it to be convenient to perform early stopping at epoch 8.
Otherwise, we would risk over-fitting our model.
Figure 22. video CNN architecture
Finally, we used the testing set (20 images) to ratify our
previous assumptions. The results are shown in Figure 23
as a confusion matrix. The results reflected the same as the
validation set. We can observe that all COVID-19 cases
are classified as such. This is crucial, since we do not want
to have an unknown and unidentified COVID-19 vector,
which can spread the disease and lead to more patients.
On the other hand, almost all normal (healthy) cases were
classified as non-COVID19.
Taking everything into consideration, we can claim that,
even if the videos were from three different independent
sources (increasing variability), a thoughtful and complex
preprocessing of the videos (turning them into an image
per video) allowed for a very simple CNN to achieve a 90%
accuracy in both the validation and training set, added to a
great capability of generalization (preventing overfitting).
Figure 23. Confusion Matrix for video classification
5 Conclusion
After several different attempts for image classification, we
conclude that our preprocessing methods allows both for
a higher accuracy, as well as greater generalizing ability,
so that a simple CNN can readily identify COVID-19 im-
ages. Similarly, Transfer Learning, specifically VGG16,
has also proven to be effective for classification of pneu-
monia, COVID-19 and healthy patients, with an accuracy
of 0.73%. Interestingly, it is a fairly effective option for
pneumonia detection (0.83 precision, 0.91 recall, 0.87 F1;
for pneumonia only), similar to previous studies (0.83 ac-
curacy) [20]. However, in the case of COVID-19, which is
the main goal of this paper, has worse results and, there-
fore, we discarded it in search of more efficient options for
COVID-19 detection.
Video processing has rendered the most promising results
(90% validation accuracy). A very simple and basic CNN
architecture already shows a great ability to generalize to
three independent datasets of videos, while maintaining a
high accuracy that surpasses previous works on this prob-
lem [20]. Moreover, and unlike image processing, the
high accuracy in video classification shows no over-fitting,
since all images (one per video) were independent of each
other. Furthermore, its preprocessing allows for a more
rapid, and computationally cheap, classification.
6 Future lines
Both image and video classifiers can be tried in clini-
cal practice for further enhancement. Image classification
showed a lower generalizing ability at first. However, the
POCUS database offered a large set of images and the pre-
processing carried out were finally able to increase its gen-
eralizing ability and showed an acceptable accuracy with-
out compromising the model to overfitting. Since the last
results are better, we strongly suggest making a more com-
plex CNN, as well as increasing such database with many
other videos, so that there are much more different frames
and the image classifier can be further enhanced based on
our preprocessing methods and CNN architecture.
On the other hand, the video classifier achieved a high ac-
curacy and was able to generalize, since there were many
different videos from independent sources. All video pro-
cessing was done by student Pablo’s using a very modest
Personal Computer. We believe, nonetheless, that more
complex CNN architectures should be tried out in more
powerful devices -and an even higher accuracy would be
attained. Moreover, further pre-processing could be tested,
although we do recommend maintaining the core idea of
our pre-processing methods, since it was precisely M-
mode US and VGG pre-processing what made it possible,
and boosted video classification. In terms of image pro-
cessing we faced the same problem. The resources that we
had were not able to handle a huge amount of images and
complex preprocessing, so the training of the CNN was
limited, as we need to select an specific batch of each cat-
egory folder that our PC’s could be able to work with.
It is important also to state the simplicity of our approach
to pleural resection. We believe that applying a more ef-
fective way to get the same or even better result would be
optimal, and a way to accomplish that is perhaps building a
segmentation CNN able to determine more accurately the
pleural position and get rid of the actual background points
of the image without even loosing important information.
As a further scope we could face this problem by simply
using powerful resources as Amazon Web Services(AWS)
or Google Cloud Platform(GCP), just setting a sufficient
number of virtual machines with standard CPU power to
help us process the whole amount of POCUS images.
Workload and Acknowledgments
Special thanks to Dr.
Angel (HUFA), LAIMBIO staff
(URJC), Dr. Rafael, and Prof. Cristina, Ph.D., for their
technical, and sometimes personal, support throughout the
whole project.
The paper was written jointly. Each student wrote the fol-
lowing sections:
Pablo sections Abstract, 1, 2, 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 4.1.1, 4.2,
5, 6 and References.
Alejandro sections: 3.4,4.1, 4.1.2, 5, 6.
As for the practical part, there were several collaborators:
Angel instructed us on LUS images.
Dr. Rafael was very helpful and supportive in the first
stages of the development of this project.
LAIMBIO: Both Norberto and David Viar helped us
thanks to their previous work (TFG, or Bachelor’s de-
gree thesis on pneumonia detection, also in HUFA.)
Student Pablo: First CNN (overfitting). POCUS
dataset management: organizing images into folders
(labels), creating frames from the videos, standard
preprocessing, creating splits for cross-validation.
Standard preprocessing for images (normalization,
histogram equalization and mean filter). Transfer
Learning (unexpected, yet promising results for pneu-
monia). Video preprocessing (standard preprocess-
ing, resizing, VGG preprocessing, M-mode US).
Video classification (simple CNN, high accuracy and
generalizing ability).
Student Alejandro: Complex image preprocessing
(pleural line detection). Complex CNN (overfitting).
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