Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms For Link Prediction
Maryam Kheirkhahzadeh -, Pablo Laso Mielgo -, Lucas Trouessin
Abstract. In this paper, Instead of predicting node embedding, we predict the link
between each two pairs of nodes using some machine learning algorithms. Link
prediction algorithms aim to extract information about future interactions in the net-
works. We apply cosine similarity on the node embeddings, which is calculated by
the DeepWalk algorithm to train the ML algorithms. We use grid search to tune the
parameters of machine learning models to optimize AUC and compare the results
based on their best set of parameters.
Keywords. data mining, link prediction, machine learning, DeepWalk
1. Introduction. Link prediction aims to predict whether two nodes in a network are likely to have
a link (1). It can be used in many research fields such as movie recommendation (2), friendship
recommendation (3), and knowledge graph completion (4). Some methods consider first-order
heuristics like common neighbors (CN)(5). They consider one-hop neighbors of each pair of nodes.
Some other methods consider second-order heuristics, such as Adamic-Adar (AA)(3). High-order
heuristics consider the whole network, such as SimRank (SR) (6). There are some research that
shows the high-order heuristics have better performance in comparison to the first and second-
order ones (7). Our contribution are as follows:Instead of predicting node embedding, we try to
predict the edge between each two pairs of nodes. We take these steps: 1) find a link-prediction
algorithm based on cosine similarity function which is calculated on the node embeddings in the
social networks. We use the DeepWalk algorithm to find the node embedding. 2) We compare
some machine learning models based on tuning parameters to have a high AUC. In addition, we
show a number of other regression and classification metrics for different ML algorithms which
we have used. We consider Cosine similarity function to train and test our models.
2. Related works. Liben Nowell et al. (1) first gave a definition of link prediction. They summa-
rized the link prediction method by calculating the similarity based on the ensemble of all paths
between node neighbors or node pairs.
There are many methods based on the similarity near the node, such as Common Neighbor
(CN) (5), Jaccard’s Coefficient (JC) (8), Adamic/Adar (AA) (3), Preferential Attachment (PA) (9),
etc. For each pair of nodes, the higher the number of common adjacencies, the higher the similarity
score. These algorithms have been applied to many networks and experiments have shown that
better performance can be achieved. The simplest one is based on the Common Neighbor.
Hasan et al. (10) pointed out that feature set extraction depends on the actual application. They
used bibliographic data set. They compared the results of various classification algorithms, includ-
ing SVMs, decision trees, nearest neighbors, and more. The result shows that SVM is better than
others. However, they used some different features from papers and authors and some other at-
tributes from the network. Benchettara et al. (11) apply supervised machine learning to predict the
links in two-mode social networks. However, these studies don’t consider the dynamic evolution
and diversity of the networks. Although the classification model can improve performance, how to
choose the appropriate features is still a problem. Moreover, if the networks are sparse, the positive
and negative classes for training are extremely imbalance, it will seriously affect the accuracy of
link prediction.
There are some other papers considering the link prediction problem for signed networks. In
(12) and (13) the authors try to use the balance theory in the combination of other features of the
signed graph to predict the sign of a link in a signed network. However, we do not consider signed
network in this paper.
3. Data Description. We use the Facebook data set. This link contains 5 different data sets. We
implement different machine learning algorithms on three data sets from the Facebook data set,
consisting of politician edges data set, company edges data set, and government edges data set.
Nodes represent the pages, and edges are mutual likes among them.
We describe the attributes of these data sets here. After calculating node embedding, we map
the data to two dimensions via PCA. The picture of three diagrams are as follows.
Politician edges data set attributes:
#edges: 41729
#nodes: 5908
Clustering coefficient: 0.193
Average path length: 0.272
Figure 1. Politician edge data set
Company edges data set attributes:
#edges: 52310
#nodes: 14113
Clustering coefficient: 0.120
Figure 2. Company edges data set
Average path length: 0.166
Government edges data set attributes:
#edges: 89455
#nodes: 7057
Clustering coefficient: 0.205
Average path length: 0.816
Figure 3. Government edges data set
4. Data pre-processing. Networks are based on relationships between nodes. To have a good
representation of networks, we need a data structure that reflects the properties of that network.
So, we use graphs. DeepWalk learns to embed of a graph’s vertices, by modelling a stream of short
random walks (14).
4.1. DEEPWALK. DeepWalk is an algorithm proposed for learning latent representations of nodes
in a network. DeepWalk utilizes the random path traversing technique to represent the graph as
sequences. These sequences will be used to train a Skip-Gram Language Model. It takes a graph
as input and produces a latent representation as an output.
4.2. NODE EMBEDDING. We use DeepWalk to find a proper node embedding.The Karate Club
is an unsupervised machine learning extension library for NetworkX. It learns the graph structure
and contains some useful libraries such as DeepWalk. We use this library to find the embeddings
for the nodes in the networks with different dimensions. We find three different embeddings with
dimensions 16, 64, and 128. Then we can use these vectors to learn our models and link prediction.
In this paper, we demonstrate the results for dimension 16 since the models have better performance
with this setting.
5. The approach. We see the link prediction model as a classification problem. In fact, the pairs
of nodes with an edge belong to class 1 and the remaining edges belong to class 2. We use cosine
similarity between node embedding vectors to train the models, as we explain in this section.
We use the Gridsearch method to tune the parameters of each machine learning algorithm. We
set Gridsearch to find the best set of parameters based on AUC. So, we can compare AUC of each
model to the AUC of the other models.
5.1. TRAINING BASED ON SIMILARITY METHODS. We should train the models to predict 1 for
each pair of nodes with edge and zero for nodes without edge. Considering memory and time
complexity, we cannot train the model with the node embedding vectors.
5.1.1. TRAIN SET. We choose 10% of edges randomly and keep them for the test phase. There-
fore, 90% of the edges are used for train set. To prevent bias training, we train the model with
balanced data from both classes. So, the train set consists of 90% of the edges with y train value
equal to 1, and the same amount of non edges with y train value equal to zero. We choose the pairs
of nodes without edges randomly from the list of non edges of the graph.
5.1.2. TEST SET. The test set consists of two categories of rows. First, The remaining 10% of
edges, shapes the half of the test set with y test value equal to 1. Then, we choose the same number
of node pairs from non edges set randomly with y test value equal to zero.
5.1.3. SIMILARITY FUNCTION. Each row of the train set corresponds to a pair of nodes, with or
without edges. The corresponding row of y train has 1 for edge and has zero when there is no edge.
We calculate the cosine similarity of this pair of node embedding vectors and save it as one row in
the train set. In fact, we also tested the Euclidean similarity. However, the results were not suitable
enough. Therefore, we decided to demonstrate the results for cosine similarity in this paper.
5.2. METRICS TO EVALUATE OUR ALGORITHM . We compare all the machine learning algo-
rithms based on the calculated AUC. In addition, we demonstrate some other important metrics.
We use two built-in functions predict proba and predict to evaluate the supervised trained model.
predict proba accepts a single argument as a test set and returns an array containing the predicted
label. However, the predict function gets the test set and predicts the actual class over the test set.
So, we use two regression metrics for evaluating the results of predict proba and some classifica-
tion metrics to evaluate the classes predicted by predict function.
5.2.1. REGRESSION METRICS. Regression metrics are as follows:
Area Under the Curve. AUC represents how much the model is capable of distinguishing
between classes
Mean Squared Error. It is based on the average squared difference between the actual and
predicted values.
5.2.2. CLASSIFICATION METRICS. Classification metrics are as follows:
Accuracy. Classification accuracy is the ratio of the number of correct predictions to the total
number of input samples.
Recall. The recall is calculated as the ratio between true positive to the total number of
positive samples.
Precision. The precision is calculated as the ratio between true positive to the summation of
true positives and false positives.
Brier score. The Brier score measures the mean squared difference between the predicted
probability assigned to the possible outcomes for each item in the test set and the actual
outcome for that item.
F1-score. The F1-score is a combining measure of precision and recall. In fact, it is defined
as the harmonic mean of the model’s precision and recall.
6. Results. The results show that DecisionTree model has the highest AUC for Politician edges
and Company edges data sets. It can predict the links with AUC 0.998 for Company edges data set
and with AUC 0.899 for Politician edges data set. RandomForest with AUC 0.999 has the highest
rank in link prediction for Government edges, and then DecisionTree with AUC 0.998 is the next
great model.
In addition to AUC, we show different measures for different ML algorithms and three data
sets. See figures 8, 11, and 14. The results are for node embedding with dimension 16. In addition,
we show the training time is extremely different for machine learning algorithms in figures 10, 13,
and 16. DecisionTree and LogisticRegression have the lowest training time for the three data sets.
DecisionTree has the lowest MSError with precision equal to three between other ML algo-
rithms for three data sets. See figures 9, 15, and 12.
Considering BrierScore, DecisionTree is in the best three ML algorithms. See figures 9, 15,
and 12.
Figure 4. AUC for Politician, Government, and Company edges data sets
Figure 5. AUC for Company edges data set
Figure 6. AUC for Company edges data set
Figure 7. AUC for Government edges data set
Figure 8. Metrics for Politician edges data set
Figure 9. Metrics for Politician edges data set
Figure 10. Training time for Politician edges data set
Figure 11. Metrics for Company edges data set
Figure 12. Metrics for Company edges data set
Figure 13. Training time for Company edges data set
Figure 14. Metrics for Government edges data set
Figure 15. Metrics for Government edges data set
Figure 16. Training time for Government edges data set
7. General difficulties. The most important problem is that tuning parameters for different mod-
els is extremely time-consuming. We use grid search for finding the best set of parameters based
on AUC. The built-in function GridSearchCV implement grid search. We have three data sets,
with 6 machine learning models. we run them with three different dimensions. We implement
node embedding for 16, 64, and 128 dimensions. So running GridSearchCV for 6x6x3 cases is so
expensive and takes time. The results are superb for only dimension equal to 16. Therefore, in this
paper, we have shown the value of metrics for this dimension.
8. Conclusion & Discussion. In this project, we compare some ML algorithms for link prediction
in the social networks. We use DeepWalk algorithm to find a proper node embedding for the graph.
We found that the results are great for node embedding with dimension 16. Therefore, in this paper,
the values of metrics are shown for this dimension.
We found that DecisionTree model could be the perfect model for link prediction. It has the
highest AUC for Politician edges and Company edges data sets and with 0.001 difference with
RandomForest model for Government edges. Moreover, considering MSError and BrierScore, the
first rank belongs to DecisionTree with three decimal places. DecisionTree and LogisticRegression
have the lowest training time for the three data sets.
9. Future work. We have developed and tested our approach on directed data sets. It can also
be developed and tested on undirected data sets. In addition, since we had limited resources to
implement our method, we could not test more machine learning algorithms and more similarity
functions. So, we can consider these issues as future work.
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