Signal Analysis
Pablo Laso Mielgo
April 2020 - June 2020
1 Introduction 2
2 ElectroMyoGraphy 2
2.1 Anatomical and Physiological Background on Muscle Physiology 2
2.2 Reading an action potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3.1 Preparing the skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3.2 Activities and Signal Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3.3 Signal Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Physiological Signals 7
3.1 Physiological variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2.1 Signal Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.2 Signal Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.3 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 Anthropometry 11
4.1 Variables and parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Environment and theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 Mathematical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3.1 Anthropometry experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3.2 Center Of Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3.3 Total Center Of Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.5 MATLAB emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5 Personal opinion and Motivation 17
1 Introduction
The scope of this paper is to descr i be -with the aim of allowing re-productivity-
the steps carried out to process signals obtained in three di er ent experiments
and topics, specically, EMG (Section 2), psycho-physiology (Section 3) and
Anthropometry (Section 4). In each section is included a detailed description
of the experiment, the post-acquisition processing steps that were carried out
in order to achieve the purpose of each experiment, and a nal conclusion de-
rived from the analyze d and processed data, considerin g the theoretical points
explained in each introductory sub-section. These three experiments namely
were ElectrMyoGraphy (Section 2), robot-aided rehabilitation (Section 3) and
a bio-mechanics study (Section 4).
Some informative, theoretical sections may also be included in order to be-
stow the reader wit h a perspective and basic knowledge into the matter of study.
2 ElectroMyoGraphy
This section delves into the theory of Muscle Activity. Within this s ect i on ;
in the rst section, we provide some insight into what is really occurring at
a molecular level. Section 2 deals with th e science that underl ays reading an
action potential. Section 3 d es cr i bes the experiment, including the preparation,
tasks, signal processing and a nal conclusion inferred from all the former sub-
2.1 Anatomical and Physiological Background on Muscle
Most skeletal muscle bers are inner vated by a single motor neuron. Since
there more muscle bers than motor neurons, individual motor axons branch
in order to synaps e dierent bers within the muscle over a wide area. Thus,
we ensure the exertion of a contractile force is spread e venly. (6) Motor units
are the basic fun ct i on al unit of the neuromuscular system. (2) It is also worth
mentioning muscle bers, which cover muscle t i ss ue and the sarcolemma.
An action potential arrives at the terminal bottom of a neuromuscular junc-
tion, stimulating the release of acetylcholine, which diuses across the cleft and
triggers an action potential in the muscle ber. It arrives via the T tubules onto
the sarcoplasmic reticulum, triggering the release of Ca
into the cytosol.
The molecules of Ca
binds on troponin thin laments, which induces in it
a change of shape. Thus, the b i nd i ng sites of actin are uncovered for the myosin
cross bridges to attach. ATP molecules give the energy for this bridges to bend,
pulling the lament towards the center of the sarcomere. After such stroke, if
there is Ca
still pr e sent, the myosin cross bridges are created anew, repeating
the same process . (4)
Figure 1: Left: Motor Unit (6). Ri ght: Muscular Contraction at th e Molecular
2.2 Reading an act io n po te ntial
The action potential that initiates all these afore-described, physiological pro-
cesses can be recorded by the proper positioning of the electrodes and enhanc es
by sub-sequential adequate manipulation (2). More specically, we must con-
sider that the cellular membrane is negatively charged in the inside and pos-
itively in the outside (due to proteins and other intrinsic components, like he
Na/K pump ), having a potential dierence ranging from -70mV up to -90mV.
In that case, the membrane is initially at rest, that is, polarized. As the impulse
arrives, the membrane depolarizes (if a threshold is achieved) and the poten-
tial dierence increases (grows positive) -as Na
rushes in the inside of the
membrane- and repolarizes as K
. It may al s o happen that the cell membrane
is hyperpolarized, that is, it goes below th e resting potential (2). Generally,
however, this process is repeated and tran sm it t e d along the nerve,showinga
behaviour that resembles that of a dipole, at a speed of 2-3m/s. In Figure 2,
we can observe such transmission (le ft ) and the sum of dierent signals(left)
which, depending on the distance t o the surface, will arrive weaker or stronger.
Therefore, since the electrodes are indeed in the surface of our skin, we should
not expect any pattern in the signal that reaches our electrodes.
2.3 Experiment
The experiment referred in the foll owing sub-sections was performed indepen-
dently of our work. We shall retake the work performed in other years by
students in UCBM as our data source, and use it in our project, which will deal
mainly with pro ce ss in g of such signals by means of MatLab s oftware.
Figure 2: Left: Electrical Dipole (7). Right: Distance and Signal received.
2.3.1 Preparing the skin
We do, nonethele ss , highlight some key aspects to bear in mind while repro-
ducing the experiment. Small elect rodes will have higher selectiv i ty and l ower
cross-talk, but also highe r impedance. A proper balance was attained with
electrodes having a diameter between 1 and 2cm, which can be adhesive (han-
dleable) or gel (lower imp ed an ce ) . For slow movements, alcohol is enough to
prepare the s ki n before the experiment, which should be properly cleansed to
enhance signal rece pt i on . Besides, elect r odes must always be parallel to the
muscle ber and cannot be detached during muscle contraction.
2.3.2 Activities and Signal Acquisition
Several records were taken. Firstly, in or de r to later be able to norm al iz e all
our data, we took two MVC ( Max imum Voluntary Contraction), both from t he
biceps and the triceps, in which the patient was asked to exert all the f or ce
they could in three se qu ential occasions, during an overall 5s interval, b oth for
triceps and bice ps . After that, sixteen signal samples were obtained in dierent
conditions, namely, half of them having the patient seated and half standing.
Each subset in turn halved in loaded or unloaded (depending whether the patient
held or not a weight). Each one of them was performed at a dierent angle -
precisely, 45, 90 135, 180
- for a 15s interval. Figure 3 shows the positions that
the patient adopted during the experiment just described.
2.3.3 Signal Processing
The EM G signal that our receptor receives from our muscles ranges in frequency
from 6 to 500 HZ. However, from theory, we know that the frequency spectrum
in which our signal is strongest in the interval between 20 and 550 Hz (2) (4).
Therefore, if we take this interval only, we ensure a much higher SNR,whichis
easily achieved by a sim pl e but t e rworth pass-band lter between 20 and 350Hz,
as well as an order of 4 (steeper cut-o slope). Furthermore, we not i ce that the
network might have introduced a 50Hz noise signal, which is to be eliminated by
Figure 3: Positions adopted by pat i ent during EMG experiment for signal ac-
a notch lter of such frequency and some units -say, 2- as mar gi n. Furthermore,
although our signal is not perfectly sym met r i cal , we just need one side of the
x axis to correctly interpret it. Such procedure is called rectication. Finally,
we take the envelope of the resulting signal, that is, the ”shape or ”outli n e of
it. Similarly to the r eas oni n g in the previous step, this might yield a dierent
signal but actually enhances human interpretability. We can see the results of
such procedure in Figure 4.
Figure 4: EMG signal from biceps (above) an d triceps (below) and the processed
envelope signal.
We also use the MCV that we mentioned before to normalize our data. To
do so, we use a software interface li ke MATLAB to extract the three intervals
in wh i ch the patient is exerting force. We plot all of them together in F igu r e
5. The dashed black line shows the mean of, in turn, the mean of the values
(biceps or triceps) that overcome a threshold of 0.7 times the maximum value.
2.3.4 Conclusions
We can see from Figure 5 that all contraction are more or less equal. We al so
note that it is precisely on the third biceps contraction that the patient performs
better and longer, which might be a sign of he al th , since he does not seemto
grow fatigue. Finally, since the patient is exerting maximal force, hemustbe
using both biceps and triceps muscles, so there is actually a correlation between
Figure 5: Left: MVC Biceps Estimation. Right: MVC Triceps Estimation.
them. In fact, albeit stronger in the bice ps , muscle activi ty is high in both,
unlike in the following exercises, whe r e the patient was told to lift a weight and,
depending on the degree that the arm holds it, would use one muscle more than
the other. For the sake visu al iz at ion , we plot Figure 6.
Figure 6: Biceps and triceps activity for all congurations that the patient did.
In Fig. 6 we can observe how subplots representing no load congurations
show no sign of force, since no load is heaved and therefore, muscles are relaxed.
However, sub-gures representing forces are dierent dep e nd i n g not only on the
angle, but also on whether the patient is seated or standing. More precisely,
when the patient lifts a 5 Kg load and maintains an ar m position with a degree of
, the biceps must be highly active in order to sustain that weight. However,
when seated and when the degree is lower, that is, the patient brings the weight
closer to the bo dy, muscle activity diminished signicantly, even if loaded. This
is the case of 45
and 90
. In this case it is also interesting to notice that the
triceps is exerting, exception al ly, a larger force than the biceps is. This is due
to the fact t hat such position demands a larger eort by the triceps, since the
weight is already close to the bo d y and contracting the biceps would not have
much sen se . It is i nteresting to note that the triceps, which usually serves as
an antagonist -that is, a muscle that produce an opposing joint torque to the
agonist muscle, the biceps- has actually a function other than retrieving the
arm to its original position. In some circumstances, like this one, the gravity
or the circumstances are not enough and the fore of the triceps is required. On
the contrary, if the patient must hold the weight at such angles when standing,
the force he must exert is much greater, as observable in the two right-most
columns of Figure 6. Similarly, in the case of a 180
degree posture, the force
will be much larger if the pat ie nt is seated (5L) than that when he is on hisfeet
(1L), since, in the former case, the with must be maintained perpendicular t o
gravity whereas, in the latter case, i t is parallel to the gravity vector and the
weight is sustained by the bone joint, rather than th e muscle.
Overall, we conclude that the force of the biceps is usually much greater
than that of the tr i cep s, but the function of the triceps as an antagonist i s not
to be disregarded and sometimes it can have more importance than the biceps,
like the case in which the patient was seated in a 45
3 Physiological Signals
This section tackles the science of Physiology, and how it can be closely related
with Psychology. The rst section describes the variables and mention physi-
ological st at us related to them. Section 2 describes the experiment,including
signal acquisition, processing and, nally, an elaborated conclusion.
3.1 Physiological variables
Throughout the experiment, we will be using all types of physiological signals,
namely, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Heart Rate (HR), Heart Rate Variabil-
ity (HRV) and Respirat i on Rate (RR).
With these variables, we hope to accurately distinguish between moments of
stress, fatigue and attention in our patient.
The GSR is obtained from the changes in conductance on the skin, due
to, for instance, the sweat. It can be distingu i sh ed (by the methods described
in sect i on 3.2.2) into SCL (baseline, tonic level) or SCR (skin response). The
former is a clear s i gn of stress while the latter might also mean attention. HR
is just the beats of the heart per mi nute and HRV its variability, inversely
proportional betwixt them. HR is a sign of stress and attention, whereas HRV
is unequivocally present in fatigue. RR refers to respirations perminute. Itis
highly present in st r es sf ul situation while it is less wont to appear in moments
of attention or fatigue.
3.2 Experiment
The e x periment was carried out upon a patient that presented back discomfort.
A robot (connected to the patient by a hand supp or t ) made him follow a series
of movement patterns, namely, an approaching movement t o take an object,
and that of returning to the original point. This dual pattern is repeated eighty
times (2).
3.2.1 Signal Acquisition
During the afore-described experiment, multiple sensors were recording dierent
physiological activity from the patient, specically, the Galvanic Skin Response
(GSR), Heart Rate (HR), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Respirati on Rate (RR)
and Rob ot Motion (RM).
Amongst the data gathered during the experiment, we nd the Galvanic
Skin Response, Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variabili ty, Respiration Rate and Robot
Motion. If represented along time, as in Figure 7, we notice some changes at the
time that the robot is started (Robot Motion variable goes up to one), marked
with horizontal black lines in each graph (2).
Figure 7: Experimental parameters represented along time.
3.2.2 Signal Processing
As we can see in Figure 7, we have recorded th e GSR. The GSR signal was
low-pass ltered at 5Hz using a butterworth lter (MatLab in-built function)
and ltlt() MatLab function. This allows us to remove motion artefacts (9).
The resulting ltered signal, however, can give rise, in turn, to two more
meaningful variables if properly deri ved. Applying a Low-Pass Filterwitha
cuto frequency of 0.1Hz will yield the low-frequency component of the signal,
that is, the Skin Conductance Level (SCL). The SCL represents the baseline
or tonic level, given by the hydration or dryness of the skin. In p rac t ice, this
is done by means of a butterworth lter, which also dephases our signal, but
can also be recovered with the MatLab function ltlt. The result for both the
SCL and SCR is shown in Figure 8. It is noteworthy the fact that the SCR
component agrantly shows a higher-frequency behaviour than that of SCL.
Also, there is a correlation between frequency in SCR a and amplitude i n SCL,
due to the manner in which we derived both components. Therefore, ifwewere
to analyze the baselin e of our patient, we ought t o focus on the area where the
robot was still not active. Note, however, that it does take some time for the
SCR signal to arise and make noticeable changes from t he moment that the
robot was initially activated.
Figure 8: Experimental parameter s SCL and SCR (components of GSR), rep-
resented along time.
The next step is to compute the p hysiological response, that is, the response
from our body to a given stimuli. For such purpose, we cannot directly analyze
the active-robot area but rather compare it with the baseline, that is, study
those physiological changes that were recorded in a patient when he perceived
certain stimuli, compared with his tonic, res t in g stat e. In practice, what we did
was splitting our samples from the starting point to the last point before our
robot went active (value of 1, in graph). After that, we took the mean of each
parameter within the inactive-robot region and computed its baseline by means
of Eq. 1, where x
is the normalized value of each sample in the active-robot
region x, with respect the mean or x
x x
Then, we divide th e ti me ax i s for each variable into minutes and take the
mean in each one, as shown in Figures 9 and 10.
After which, we can nd any signicant (10% of the maximal value) varia-
tions in our signal means, i. e. , we evaluate whether there exists an increase or
a decrease in our signal so as to later estimate which physiological indicator is
correspondent with such variations. Similarly, we take the peaks in ourSCR
signal, that is, those valu es with a minimum distance of 25 samples that are
able to reach a threshold of 0.03 µS.
Now that we kn ow how the dierent variables vary over time (increase or
decrease wit h respect to previous values), we use this as a way of comparison
Figure 9: The mean of each paramet e r per minute of si gnal acquisition, plotted
over the s ign al .
Figure 10: The mean of each parameter per minute of signal acquisition, as
with the expected values of each physiological status that we are studying, i.e.,
stress, attention and fatigue. In practice we just assign 1 or -1 depending on
whether the r e is an increase or decrease. We stor e these vectors as columns in a
matrix and confront them one by one with our expected values. With the aim
of setting a threshold for properly selecting the status, as well as overcoming
possible noise or un ex pected events that can happen in experimental, real-life
situations, we require at least three (out of ve) conditions to hold true for a
decision to be deemed true. Thus, we can plot the dierent results and analyze
the variation of each state per minute, as shown in Figure 11.
3.2.3 Conclusions
We note in Fig. 11 that the patient seems to have normal or low values in
all status, at the beginning of the test. Soon, we can observe an i n cr eas e in
stress, usually followed by an increase in attention, which makes, indeed, much
sense, since some stress may help the patient maintain the attention needed
to perform the required task. As those variables increase, the physiological
Figure 11: The physiological status of a p e r son per minute; below, the rest of
parameters ind ic at in g energy seem to r i se at rst, maintain a constant,medium
level afterwards, and nally start decaying, probably due to the continuous eort
that the patient is exerting.
In Fig. 10, we can readily see how the HR is constantly increasin g, be it due
to stress, attention or both, and re aches maximum values at the last minutes of
the test. However, the RR is not always kept at high levels. RR seems to increase
at rst, which suggests, along with a high HR, that our patient might be stressed
but then decreases, while RR simultaneously increases, as well as SCL, which
can be a clear sign of at t ention, since the patie nt might be focusing harder on
the task. Just after that, especially in the last mi nutes as we approach the end
of the test, HR decreases and both components of GSR decr eas e, as opposed to
what would be expected from attention moments. This might be an indication
of fatigue, which is also observable in Fig. 11 by a decrease in energy levels.
4 Anthropometry
Anthropometry refers to the measurement of the human individual. In Section
4.1, we present the variables and parameters used. In Section 4.2, we describe
the theory from what could be real-life case. We will be studying, within Section
4.3, the mathematical analysis to implement these parameters. In Section 4. 4
we study the COM path for dierent velocities and derive an inference from the
dierent p att e rn s that appear. In Section 4.5, we show t he motion of a person
-that is simpl y walking- through the theoretical concepts derived from the afore-
mentioned sections. Furthermore, we will be emulating the body motion in the
MATLAB environment.
4.1 Variables and parameters
There are a set of variables or parameters that must be dened in the MATLAB
script and are obtained from the table st u di ed in Anthropometry theory (2).
In order to carry out the mathematical comp ut at i ons in Section 4.3, we will
need the variables from the table in the Anthrop omet r y theory (2). Specically,
we will need α
=0.061, from which we wil l be able to obtain the mass M
M · α
, used in later secti on s. Also note that the gravity is commonly expressed
as g =9.81 and the length of the table as l = 2.
4.2 Environment and theory
A man is seated in a xed spot, his legs hanging in the air. A sensor is aboveits
ankle, recording motion i n the x direction, and a mass is att ached to its ankle
by a system of pulleys. Θ is the angle of i t s leg; x, the displacement.
Patients initial position is as illustrated in Figure 14. The weight attached
to the patients ankle by a system of pulleys is pulling his leg forward. The leg
is, at rst, pushed backwards and, then, left free.
As shown in Figure 14 (Right), we compute all parameters in the leg system
from the values shown in the left-hand side of the equations, namely b, l
, l
and l
Figure 12: Patients initial position ( Le ft ) and the schematic representation of
the leg as a s y s t em (Right).
In a second experiment, a man is laying down on a 2m table, as shown in
Fig. 13.
Figure 13: Patients initial position (Left), laying face-down on a table, and
same patient lifting their feet (Right).
4.3 Mathematical Analysis
In this section, we describe all the mathematical procedures for both the anthro-
pometry study (rst sub-section), and software emulation (later sub-sections).
4.3.1 Anthropometry experiment
We use our theory knowledge f rom Reference (2) to compute the unknown
parameters, sp ec i cal l y ρ. Note that, in order to nd such parameter, we must
rst carry out the following operations to nd the require d variables that will
lead us towards ρ.
= m · l
.· (2)
From Eq. 2 we can nd ρ
in Eq. 3. Then we nd the regression line for l
and ρ
. Similarly, we use equation 5 to nd l
, aided by Eqs. 4 and 6.
b =(s s
) ·
= l
· b
Once again, we nd, in the same manner as before, Eq. 7 with the help of
Eq. 8, for the distal components.
= l
+ M
· (l
Finally, we compute the regre ssi on be tween I
and the dierent ρ values,
namely, ρ
, ρ
, ρ
, as shown in Fig. 15.
4.3.2 Center Of Mass
Throughout the experiment, we must compute the center of mass between sev-
eral parts of our body, where our markers are placed, for instance, feet at the
bottom, or trochanters in the femur. We can do so by means of E q. 9.
· (1 b)+marker
· b (9)
Figure 14: Patients data used in mathematical step in Section 4.3. S on the
right and Mass on the Right.
Figure 15: Linear regression models for each ρ value.
Also note th at we might need to hypothesize to nd some in-between mark-
ers. For example, the pelvis will be in the middle of each throcanter, but L4
(lumbar region, 4th vertebrae) will be found between C7 (cervical region, 7th
vertebrae) and the pelvis.
4.3.3 Total Center Of Mass
The total center of mass is computed by multiplying each center of mass by the
mass corresponding to such se gme nt. It must be divided by the mass of the
patient. Note that each leg must be consi d er ed twice, while pelvis or thorax,
just once. Such equation is d esc r ibed in Eq. 10.
A = com
· m.T + com
· m.S + com
· m.F + com
· m.T
B = com
· m.S + com
· m.F + com
· m.T A + com
· m.P
A + B
2 · m.T +2· m.S +2· m.F + m.T A + m.P
Figure 16: COM paths for dierent speeds.
4.4 Conclusions
Regarding the last experiment, conduc t ed on MatLab, we can study the Center
of mass (COM) path in coronal pl ane (X-Z) across range of walking speeds.
With such aim, we shall plot the dierent COM paths for the dierent speeds,
as shown in Fig. 16. It is observable that the COM path seems to foll ow an
innite-shaped () pattern, especially for v03. We can also appreciate from the
same gure that, as the speed increases, so does the pattern b ec ome more U-
shaped, more agrantly in v06 (10). Mathematically, the values in which theZ
axis ranges is (-686.9, -596.8), (-677.6, -631.5), (-662.8, -626.1), for v03, v05 and
v06, respectively. Clearly, the range of values reduces as the speed i n cr eas es. In
the Y axis, however, repeat i ng analogously the mathematical steps, we obtain
(583.3, 605.3), (585.2, 599.9), (586.9, 605.6). In this case we can deduce that
increasing the speed does not signicantly reduce the range of values on the Y
axis. Thus, reducing the values on the Z axis but maintaining constant those in
the Y axis, the COM path patt er goes from a innite shape to a U-ish shape.
4.5 MATLAB emulation
In this section, we present some of the photo-frames of our MATLAB-based
software emulation. The script was built from the theoretical concepts described
above but, obviously, a skilled software implementation is req ui r ed to take it to
practice, as shown in Figure 17.
1 2 3
4 5 6
Figure 17: Several ordered, r an dom photo-frames from the MATLAB software
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