Classification of song genres based on the lyrics
Natural Language Processing Final report - Group 9
Amir Bachir
, Pablo Laso
University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
October, 2022
Song classification into music genres is a hard task due to the artistic nature of music which means
that these classifications are often subjective and controversial, and some genres may also overlap. The
researches on this topic in most cases try to extract knowledge from audio features of songs.
In this project, we look for a distinction between song lyrics which belong to different genres. We also
research how accurate and reliable NLP tools can be for genre prediction. We classify songs in five genres
by training a machine learning classifier on a vector representation of the songs’ lyrics. We explore three
different ways of embedding text and use them as input for different classifiers to compare the results.
1. Introduction
“Next song recommendation” is a relevant part
of the success of music platforms as Spotify and
iTunes music. The recommendation algorithms
take into account multiple features related to the
listening history of the user, and one of these is
the song genre. Songs are usually assigned to the
same genre as the one of the authors, but it is not
uncommon that artists play in multiple genres, so
a more effective way to assign the genre is to de-
termine the song’s specific genre.
Something that differentiates one genre from an-
other are surely instrumental, musical, rhythmic,
and audio properties of the track.
Our hypothesis is that lyrics are a strong method
to identify song genres.
It is a shared opinion that most of the songs talk
about the same four topics: love, friendship, state-
ment of discontent and death. The treated topic
might be the same among different genres, but
there are infinite possible ways to talk about them,
and we want to know if the words used within the
same genres are similar or distinctive from other
2. Related work
When aiming at classifying song genres, we find
multiple previous attempts and work on the mat-
ter. For example, D. Buˇzi´c et al. [1] used Naive
Bayes on a dataset consisting of lyrics performed
by Nirvana and Metallica, 207 songs in total. Upon
evaluation, they obtained very good results: preci-
sion of 0.93, recall of 0.95 and F1 -measure of 0.94,
therefore lyrics classification, on a small dataset,
using Naive Bayes as a classifier can be considered
as successful. Still, classifying song genres based on
the lyrics alone is a difficult task. That is why there
have been many attempts and different approaches
to this challenge. For instance, A. Tsaptsinos [2]
uses a Hierarchical Attention Network to catch the
hierarchical layer structure that lyrics exhibit.
3. Dataset and Data Processing
The data set was obtained from tmthyjames GitHub
project repository “Cypher” [3]. Finding a sig-
nificant and “correct” lyrics database is difficult
due to copyright issues, in fact, this one is built
scraping web pages. The data was scraped by the
author through the python Cypher library. The
dataset has 2,778,359 rows. The columns are ‘al-
bum’, ‘song’, ‘artist, ‘album genre’, ‘genre’, ‘year’,
‘lyric’ and ‘ranker genre’. We keep the ‘ranker genre’
column as song genre label, obtained through the
Ranker API, which has seven unique values (’Hip-
Hop’, ‘Rhythm and blues’, ‘Pop’, ‘Heavy metal’,
‘Screamo’, ‘Punk rock’, ‘Country’) and has no null
values. For the purpose of our project we unify the
songs belonging to the ‘Heavy metal’, ‘Screamo’,
‘Punk rock’ genres under the new genre ‘alt rock’
because of their subgenres properties. So our fi-
nal genres are five: ’Hip-Hop’, ‘Rhythm and blues’,
‘Pop’ and ‘alt rock’. Furthermore, the lyric of each
song is divided on multiple rows, so we processed
the data in order to have the complete lyric in one
cell. Now the dataset has 62,155 rows x 7 columns.
There are two problems of unbalance in the data:
first, dataset dependent, the number of songs per
genre is not uniform, as shown in Figure 1; second,
Figure 1: Song genres distribution in the dataset.
Figure 2: Lyrics length per song genre.
dataset independent, the number of words per song
varies significantly between genres (Figure 2, e.g.,
Hip-Hop songs have on average more than the dou-
ble of words per lyric with respect to other genres.
The first problem is handled by sampling the same
number of songs per genre while the second one,
that may cause issues using CountVectorizer, is in
part implicitly handled by the embedding/feature
extraction algorithms such as TF-IDF.
As we can see from Figure 2 the distributions
of songs length among genres are approximately
Gaussians, but with very different mean and vari-
ance as shown by Table 1.
Genre Mean V ariance
Alt Rock 1049 241724
Hip-Hop 2736 1119291
Pop 1271 289529
Rhythm&Blues 1168 359480
Country 906 148766
Table 1: Songs mean and variance per genre.
We cleaned the data from some of the noise,
that includes nonsense tokens due to scraping prob-
lems and most probably incorrect or partial lyrics.
Nonsense tokens were removed selecting via a reg-
ular expression only words formed by letters. Par-
tial lyrics were avoided by sampling only songs
which have more than 400 characters. Prior to
any training, we looked at the 20 most recurrent
words per genre, excluding stopwords. By this sim-
ple mean, we can already extract some interesting
insights. All genres except ”Hip-Hop” share some
words as ”time”, ”love”, ”heart” and ”oh”. Every
genre except ”Alt rock” has ”yeah” as a very re-
current filler. On the other hand, ”Hip-Hop” has
some slang words which do not appear in any other
genre. This might suggest a good performance in
classifying ”Hip-Hop” with respect to the other
3.1. Training dataset
Finally, the data set we use to train our models
is composed by two columns: ‘lyric’ and ‘ranker
genre’. From lyric, we will extract our features,
while ‘ranker genre’ is the label we want to be
able to predict. We sampled 3500 songs from each
genre, with at least 400 characters per lyric. We
further divided it into training (75%) and test (25%)
sets, still with balanced genres.
4. Methods
We need a vector representation of our songs to
feed to a classifier in order to train it. We need to
determine what will be the features and the values
of the vector. The better representation we have,
the better the classifier will discern genres.
4.1. Count Vectors
One of the simplest embeddings is to represent a
document as a bag of words (BOW). BOW means
representing a document as a vector of dimension
size of vocabulary, where the features are the words
of the vocabulary and the values are the number of
occurrences of that word in the document. Thus,
we identify a document as the count of its uni-
It is simple and quite effective, but has also
some downsides. The vector will be sparse (most
of the values will be 0) because usually in a song
appears a restricted subset of the vocabulary and
the values depend on the length of the song: longer
songs will have higher values. This could be a prob-
lem for classifiers, as KNN, if they do not use cosine
similarity as a distance measure.
We used scikit learn CountVectorizer to ob-
tain this embedding. We also removed stopwords
from the vocabulary. Stop words are, in general,
words which appeared very frequently in all kinds
of texts, but they do not add meaning. They are
used for functional purposes in sentences such as
“the”, “is” and “i’ll”. We used NLTK’s stop words
english set and added some stop words specific for
Figure 3: Hip-Hop top-10 words occurrences per
our data set. For example, for all stop words like
“I’ll” and “would’ve” we added the version with-
out apostrophe: “ill” and “wouldve”, because in
our lyrics we find them in that form. Finally, after
some fine-tuning, we found that keeping the 2000
most important features like to the best results.
We exploited the count vectors to plot word fre-
quency comparisons between genres. The word
counts in each genre have been standardized as fol-
word count =
word count mean length
g enre
max length
g enre
min length
g enre
This already brings further insights on words dis-
tributions among genres. The graph (Figure 3)
shows a comparison of the min-max normalized fre-
quency of the most relevant, in this sense, words
in the ”Hip Hop” category. We can see how ”like”,
probably used in rap music to build metaphors,
accounts for almost the double with respect to all
other genres. Moreover, ”nigga” and ”shit” have
almost zero relevance for other genres. This con-
firms the ease of identification of a ”Hip Hop” song.
4.2. TF-IDF Vector
The second method of embedding a song into a
vector is by using the term frequency inverse doc-
ument frequency of the lyric’s words. The features
are the 2000 most relevant word types and the fea-
tures values are calculated as follows:
tf(t, d) =
idf(t) = log[(1 + n)/(1 + df(t))] + 1
tf idf(t, d) = tf(t, d) · idf(t)
Notice that in idf(t) we used smoothing to pre-
vent 0 divisions in the document does not contain
a word. This could happen in testing phase. In
this way we scaled down the impact of tokens that
awkward very frequently in our lyrics and there-
fore, empirically, less informative for our classifi-
cation task, with respect to tokens which appear
in a small subset of our data set.
We still remove stop words before computing
the vector values. However, a downside of this em-
bedding is still sparsity. For this reason, we apply
dimensionality reduction using truncated singular
value decomposition (SVD) which is known as la-
tent semantic analysis (LSA) in the context of the
of TF-IDF matrices. We keep the first 100 princi-
pal components. We used scikit learn TfidfVector-
izer to obtain this embedding.
4.3. Word2Vec
The third and last embeddings are obtained by av-
eraging the words vectors representation learned
through Word2Vec. We explored 2 variations of
this embedding:first we used the word vectors of
the pre-trained Word2Vec model on the Google
News data set; second, we trained the Word2Vec
model on our corpus in order to embed case spe-
cific information in the words vectors. Word2Vec
is used to compress the sparse representation into
300 features, as a skip-gram model that is learning
to predict the word given a nearby word. Once we
have the word embeddings, we represent the songs
as the average of the word vectors.
The advantage of these vectors with respect to
the ones of table with down vectorizer and TF-IDF
vectorizer is that they are dense, not sparse, and
they carry context information, because the em-
bedding of each word depends on the surrounding
words. In this way each song vector is not carry-
ing only information about words frequencies but
also words meaning expressed in function of their
context. We used Word2Vec from gensim library
to perform this embedding.
So the contribution to the song’s representation
vector will be given only by words present in the
Google News dataset, in the first case. This could
be a problem mainly for the ”Hip Hop” songs which
contain many slang words.
4.4. Model training and Evaluation
Now we have a five class-balanced and indepen-
dently preprocessed training set. We feed different
ML models with each differently processed dataset.
Six classifiers are fitted with the train data,
namely Logistic Regression (LR), K-Nearest Neigh-
bors (KNN), Decision Tree (DT), Multi-Layer Per-
ceptron (MLP), Random Forests (RF), and Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM). Naive Bayes could
not handle negative values produced by some meth-
ods, for instance, SVD or Word2vec -so it was left
apart in some cases. Each of the aforementioned
models is fitted with train data processed by dif-
ferent NLP techniques, to find the most efficient
The performance is measured by means of the
accuracy, recall, and F score. Since this is a multi-
class classification problem, metric results will vary
per genre and model. We compare different mod-
els by means of the test accuracy. For further in-
sights, we dig deeper into how each classifier per-
forms for each genre, by also considering recall and
F score. In a more graphical manner, we also do
so by means of the confusion matrix.
5. Results
Performance was measured by means of the accu-
racy, recall, precision, and F1 score. We evaluated
all models and all our NLP techniques. In Figure
4 we can observe different accuracy scores for each
of the aforementioned classifiers, and each result-
ing dataset after the feature extraction (TF-IDF,
TF-IDF + SVD, Word2Vec, Word2Vec self-trained
and CountVectorizer). It shows that the highest
values were given for MLP, SVM, and RF classi-
fiers. More specifically, both CountVectorizer and
TF-IDF (with RF) account for the best score (av-
erage 73.25% test accuracy), closely followed by
SVM (average 71.5%). Word2Vec accounts for the
lowest scores. SVD does not seem to increase sig-
nificantly scores -as shown when used with TF-
Figure 4: Test accuracy for combination of lyric em-
beddings and classifiers
In Table 2 we have represented the test ac-
curacy for each classifier, trained with different
datasets, namely TF-IDF, Word2Vec, and Count
Vectorizer. Similarly, we can observe, in Figure
5, the Confusion Matrix of the RF classifier fit-
ted with TF-IDF training data. The diagonal val-
ues are the correctly classified samples. The x-axis
corresponds to the true label, whereas the y-axis
represents the label the samples were actually as-
signed to by the classifier. A similar case is given
for other classifiers, such as SVM (see A.11).
Further evaluation statistics performed on RF
(see A.12) show high values for Hip-Hop metrics,
i.e., a precision of 0.91, a recall of 0.95, and an F-
score of 0.93. Contrarily, the lowest F scores are
given for RNB and Country. Alt Rock accounts
for the lowest precision, although F-score values
are close to the average. Both Alt Rock and Pop
show metrics results ranging from 0.65 to 0.72 in
precision and an F-score of 0.70.
Model CountV ec T f Idf W ord2V ec
Logistic Regr. 0.678 0.691 0.449
KNN 0.453 0.482 0.452
Decision Tree 0.605 0.600 0.480
MLP (NN) 0.723 0.713 0.481
Random Forest 0.735 0.730 0.580
SVM 0.689 0.732 0.450
Table 2: Test accuracy results for ML classifiers on
CountVec, Tf-Idf, Word2Vec processed data.
Figure 5: RF on TF-IDF vectors Confusion Matrix.
6. Discussion
The highest results are given by LR, MLP, RF and
SVM in the TD-IDF and Count Vectorizer train
set. However, SVM and especially RF reach max-
imal performance among all. Accuracies such as
that of DT or KNN are very low, which makes
these models unreliable. Therefore, we can state
that TF-IDF and Count Vectorizer for processing
together with RF for classifying is a suitable tech-
nique for our goal.
Based on Figure 5, we noticed that Hip-Hop
accounts for the least errors. In Figure 3, we can
actually observe that the words for Hip-Hop ap-
pear with a distinct frequency than other genres,
which makes it differentiable and easier to clas-
sify. Contrarily, “alt Rock” and ”Country” have a
higher number of common samples. In fact, even
the top-10 normalized word counts for Country
(Figure A.10), which tend to be more character-
istic of each genre, are actually similar for the rest
of genres. For example, ”love” occurrences are very
similar to those of ”pop”, and it is a popular word
in all other genres, too. It is a similar case for
”know”. Actually, the following word counts are
more and more similar to other genres. In other
words, Country vocabulary does not show such a
high differentiating potential as that of Hip-Hop.
Other genres fall in between these two, although
none of these get close to that of Hip-Hop.
Furthermore, RF statistics (A.12) suggest that
Hip-Hop accounts for the highest scores in all met-
rics (precision, recall, and F-score), all of them
higher than 90%. This score was achieved just by
means of NLP processing techniques, which proves
these methods can be very useful when it comes to
genre prediction. However, the statistics also show
that other genres are not so accurate (most range
around the 0.65-0.70 values in the aforementioned
evaluation metrics).
This might suggest that, although NLP can be
very useful for some genres, it might not be enough
for all song genres classification. That is, our meth-
ods could be used as a fundamental component of
a more complex algorithm that takes into account
additional data types (other than text and NLP
techniques) for song genre classification.
Regarding other NLP techniques, none have
shown greater potential than TF-IDF and Count
Vectorizer. We believe that pretrained Word2Vec
embeddings, for example, may have given worse
results with respect to TF-IDF encoding because
the Word2Vec vectors do not include slang words
or filler words, so their contribution is not con-
sidered. With a bit of surprise, the accuracy does
not increase either with the Word2Vec embeddings
learned on our corpus. This might be due to the
insufficient training and quality of the data.
7. Conclusion
We have tried different NLP processing techniques
to treat our data. We also trained different ML
models on that data and evaluated them with dif-
ferent metrics.
The best results are obtained when using TF-
IDF and Count Vectorizer on song lyrics and utiliz-
ing RF for song genre prediction, with an accuracy
of 73% for a five-class classification problem.
The easiest genre to classify is Hip-Hop, mostly
due to its idiosyncratic vocabulary. Other genres,
albeit still rather accurate, show some bias to other
classes -such as Country for RNB and alt rock,
and vice versa, which has proven to be the most
difficult genre to classify.
In conclusion, applying NLP techniques on song
lyrics for song genre classification is genuinely ef-
fective on some genres. It can therefore be a very
powerful tool for genre classification algorithms,
which might benefit from including additional data
types (such as rhythm or audio) to make up for the
complexity that certain genres pose.
Buˇzi´c and J. Dobˇsa, Lyrics classification using
Naive Bayes (41st International Convention on
Information, Communication Technology, Electron-
ics, and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2018, pp. 1011-
1015, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO.2018.8400185, 2018).
Buˇzi´c and J. Dobˇsa, Lyrics-based music genre clas-
sification using a hierarchical attention network
(arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.04678, 2017).
tmthyjames, Cypher, GitHub, (2017) https : //
github. com / tmthyjames / cypher. git (visited
on 10/18/2022).
Appendix A. Additional Information
We show below other figures and graphs that might
be useful to gain a better insight of the dataset,
but were omitted for the sake of simplicity and
Appendix A.1. Top words in the whole dataset
Figure A.6: Top-10 dataset words per genre.
Appendix A.2. Top words per genre
Figure A.7: Top-10 RNB words per genre.
Figure A.8: Top-10 Pop words per genre.
Figure A.9: Top-10 alt Rock words per genre.
Figure A.10: Top-10 Country words per genre.
Figure A.11: SVM Confusion Matrix.
Appendix A.3. Evaluation
Figure A.12: RF Evaluation Statistics.
Figure A.13: SVM Evaluation Statistics.